木更津市国際交流協会(KIFA)で、いろいろな国の方と交流しませんか。                               ホームページ内の写真の無断転用、転載及び複製等の行為はご遠慮ください。  

Sign Up for Membership

Sigh up for Membership

Membership Entry

  • Eligibility   
    Anyone who is interested in international exchange.
    Both residents and non-residents of Kisarazu City are welcome.
  • Annual Fee       
    Individual Member : 1,000 yen
    Non-Japanese Member : 500 yen
    ★The validity period is from April to March.
    ★Irrespective of the joining date, the fee must be paid in full.
  • Payment Methods
    (1)Bank Transfer

Bank for transfer: 千葉銀行 木更津支店
Chiba Bank, Kisarazu Branch
        キサラヅシコクサイコウリュウキョウカイ カイチョウ スズキ キエコ
Account name: 木更津市国際交流協会 会長 鈴木 希依子
        Kaicho SUZUKI Kieko
Account number: Regular 2261861

Please come to the KIFA office located at Borderless Community Promotion Division, Kisarazu City Hall.

(3)Postal Transfer

  • How to Apply  
    Please fill in the following form.
  • Information about the Divisions
    We are looking for staffs for each division.
    Please click on the menu to see the detail of each division.
    If you’d like to join any divisions, please let us know (about that) by submitting Inquiries.

Full Name *
Email Address *

※Please input again for confirmation.
Prefecture *
Address Line1 *
Addrss Line2
Phone Number
Cellphone Number
Nationality *
Date of Birth *   day     month     year

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