木更津市国際交流協会(KIFA)で、いろいろな国の方と交流しませんか。                               ホームページ内の写真の無断転用、転載及び複製等の行為はご遠慮ください。  


What's new?

  Click each title or "News Details" on the menu for more information.

  • Kisarazu City Official Website “Information for Foreigners”
    This page provides information that specifically non-Japanese people would need in easy Japanese and English.
     city  👈Click this banner


There are seven divisions under KIFA namely: Public Relations Division, Culture Exchange Division, Foreign Language Exchange Division, Homestay Division, Japanese Language Class Division, Sister City Friendship Division and Foreign Residents Division.
Each division organizes their own programs throughout the year.

If you are interested in joining KIFA, please apply from Inquiries.

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