木更津市国際交流協会(KIFA)で、いろいろな国の方と交流しませんか。                               ホームページ内の写真の無断転用、転載及び複製等の行為はご遠慮ください。  

Foreign Residents Division

Foreign Residents Division

"Yassai Mossai" Dance on August 14, 2023

Yassai Mossai

Ecuadorean cooking class on Nov. 8, 2017

Ecuagorean cooking

The staff of Embassy of Ecuador and a Ecuadorean chef came to Kisarazu and we enjoyed Ecuadorean cooking class. Next year marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ecuador and Japan.

Bulgarian cooking class on August 27, 2017


The Bulgarian cooking class with staff of Embassy of Bulgaria and the tourist information center was held on August 27, 2017. There were about 40 participants. We made soup served cold, stew, and dessert with yogurt. After cooking, we heard a lot about Bulgaria, such as Bulgarian mythology, effects of Bulgarian yogurt and rose jam for beauty, and so on. On that day, we could buy wine and rose jam. We spend a wonderful time.

Togolese cooking class on July 23, 2017

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We spent time with the Togolese ambassadress, the accountant’s wife, the public relations officer and the secretary. What’s more we enjoyed Togolese cooking. Togolese food was very interesting and remarkable for us. They showed us their culture after we were satisfied with the cuisine we cooked. Their dance accompanied by djembe, Togolese drum, was impressive.

Int’l Friendship Party on May 13, 2017

Content:Roger Sherrin & The Boso Boys Live
      Brazilian Dance, Middle east dance, Phlipino Song or dance

The Koito Edamame Harvest Festival on October 18

BBQ and 'Nagashi-Somen' Event on August 2, 2015

We all enjoyed our annual Barbecue and Nagashi-Somen event on August 2nd. This year, 53 people came along to the event (46 adults and 7 children) and we enjoyed perfect weather. We played some games, ate lots of delicious food and had a really fun time! We are looking forward to next year's BBQ already!!

Disaster Preparedness Session on July 13, 2014

Disaster Preparedness

Using the different maps prepared by the city hall for distribution to the citizens of Kisarazu, the participants learned about the hazards, the evacuation sites, and the items to prepare during a disaster.
They were also able to taste bread and water for use during disasters.The process was interactive and the participants learned a lot from the session which they can share to the other members of their group.

Bus Tour on June 16, 2013


We went to Sagamihara campus of Japan Aerospace Exploration Angency, JAXA.The left photo is a life-size model of the Asteroid Explorer “HAYABUSA”. The right is the world's largest solid propellant launch vehicle M-V Rocket (real vehicle) and a life-size model of the M-3SII Rocket.


Yoga trial on April 14 & 28


This is our favorite pose, Savasana or corpse pose.

Christmas Party on Dec. 8, 2012


Barbecue Party on June 17, 2012


We enjoyed not only food but also a concert and games.

BBQ party on June 12, 2011


BBQ party 2010


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Catholic Kisarazu Church

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